Self portrait
- 1982
I learned more about photography in the 18 months selling cameras at Tecno, Manchester, than in the entire three years of my degree course. Most significantly I discovered something called life skills. How to interact with other humans, an essential skill for any aspiring photographer.
This first job in retail had significant fringe benefits, I was allowed to borrow camera equipment to familiarise myself with the technology of the day.
My first car

Tree hugger
Dog & woodlands

Rubiks cube

Bass guitar

Sepia tree

Favourite tree (double exposure)
Alky Hill

Painting gran & grandad's house

Dog on a windowsill

The Olde Boars Head, Middleton
The opportunity to experiment with medium format cameras, otherwise out of my price range, was not to be sniffed at. So in 1982 I brought home a procession of desirable beauties.
Mamiya C220 TLR and RB67, Hasselblad 500CM, Yashicamat and Bronica SQ. My love affair with medium format had begun. The current resurgence in film and wet processes has put medium format back in the spotlight. A new generation of photographers who have grown weary of digital image making are searching for something else, something more honest, organic and challenging – who can blame them.
Welcome folks to the happy medium!

Mum's bathroom